Khalilov Madzhid Sharipovich, Bektemirova Patimat Magomedovna
Tsadasy Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Dagestan State University
Abstract. The article by the rich factual material for the first time identifies and analyzes the means of formation of the adverbial participles of cause and purpose, measure and degree in the unwritten Bezhta language of Dagestan. The author investigates adverbial participles originated from the certain word-forms which are formed from the verbal roots and bases by the addition of different affixes by which various adverbial meanings and modality are expressed. The researcher also touches on the formation of the mentioned adverbial participles in the negative form and by the addition of a comparative particle.
Key words and phrases: бежтинский язык, способы образования, типы спряжений, аффиксы, значения, предложения, деепричастие, Bezhta language, means of formation, types of conjugation, affixes, meanings, sentences, adverbial participle
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