Zhdanov Sergei Sergeevich
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies
Abstract. In the article the motive of the statue within the framework of the German chronotope represented in the poetry of Sasha Chorny is considered. The statue and its variants such as a toy, a figurine and a bust mark various German loci which can be divided into idyllic, mortal and philistine. Due to the fact that the boundaries between the loci are quite relative, the image of the statue has often ambivalent features which are typical for different kinds of spaces. In this case the motive of the statue come to life is connected with the motive of "dead" statuary characters who have lost their humanity.
Key words and phrases: русская литература ХХ века, Серебряный век русской поэзии, поэзия Саши Черного, хронотоп, экфрасис, мотив статуи, немецкость, the Russian literature of the XX century, the Silver Age of Russian poetry, poetry of Sasha Chorny, chronotope, ecphrasis, motive of a statue, Germanness
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