Fattakhova Ruzilya Ferdavisovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the identification of functional-semantic features of numerals as part of a phraseological unit of the Tatar language. Numerals in the conditions of idiomatic environment are often desemantized, acting as the intensifiers of a characteristic, indicate the qualitative characteristics, and play an important role in creating the space-time characteristics of the picture of the world. Interest in the topic is explained by the fact that phraseological units with a component-numeral express the features of the pictures of the world of different peoples, which originally combined national features.
Key words and phrases: фразеологические единицы языка, языковые традиции, значения числительных, единичность, совместность, целостность, дискретность, определенное количество, интенсификатор признака, language units, linguistic traditions, meanings of numerals, singleness, compatibility, integrity, discreteness, certain amount, intensifier of character
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