Sadykova Aida Gumerovna, Alykova Dariya Zagitovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article deals with the notions of metaphorical epiphora, diaphora, metaphorical transfer, substitutional and interactionist theory of metaphor. The corpus of youth online newspapers, magazines and several blogs is analyzed for the purpose of irregular metaphorical transfers among epiphoras and diaphoras. On the basis of the conducted research the authors suggest identifying the most common transfers in the English, German and Russian youth newspapers, magazines and blogs.
Key words and phrases: эпифора, диафора, метафорический перенос, бинарное противопоставление, субституциональная теория метафоры, интеракционистcкая теория метафоры, молодежная пресса, газета, epiphora, diaphora, metaphorical transfer, binary opposition, substitutional theory of metaphor, interactionist theory of metaphor, the youth press, newspaper
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