Kadachieva Khaibat Magomedtagirovna, Idrisova Aishat Alievna
Dagestan State University
Abstract. In this paper the characteristic features of aphorism are singled out and described systemically for the first time: the presence of authorship, realness, paradoxicalness, unprovedness, autosemanticity, universality. The analysis of lexical-semantic structure and key lexemes of aphorisms allowed the authors to identify the conceptual groups forming the spheres of concepts and determine the similarities and differences in their structuring in the English and Russian languages. The result of comparison of the national spheres of concepts of English and Russian aphorisms suggests differences in the ways of mental activity of the representatives of English and Russian cultures and contributes to the identification of national specificity of similar phenomena conceptualization in consciousness of different nations.
Key words and phrases: афоризм, концепт, национальная концептосфера, ключевая лексема, лексико-семантический состав, aphorism, concept, national sphere of concepts, key lexeme, lexical-semantic structure
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