Abramova Elena Sergeevna
Belgorod State National Research University
Abstract. The focus of this research, carried out within the framework of a cognitive-discursive approach, is metaphorical development in modern mass media discourse (in the format of the magazine "Rodina") of the concept RUSSIA, emerging in the process of interaction of a mass media author with the surrounding social reality. The relevance of this study is substantiated by the fact that it gives us knowledge about the changes in public consciousness, and about important directions in the social thought of a modern man.
Key words and phrases: метафора, метафорическая модель, концепт РОССИЯ, массмедийный дискурс, журнал "Родина", языковая репрезентация, когнитивно-дискурсивный подход, metaphor, metaphorical model, concept RUSSIA, mass media discourse, magazine "Rodina", language representation, cognitive-discursive approach
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