Fomenko Elena Stepanovna
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. The article examines how by the verbal and visual means they appeal to the American cultural symbols in the discourse of the modern English media; the author analyzes the influence of precedentiality of a linguistic unit - American cultural symbol - on the choice and correlation of verbal and visual means to achieve the pragmatic purpose of a message. On the basis of studying cultural symbols by the material of the magazines TIME, The Economist and The New Yorker the researcher identified that precedentiality of a linguistic unit (text or situation) for the representatives of a certain linguocultural community is a determining factor while choosing the means of appealing to the American cultural symbols in the discourse of the modern English media.
Key words and phrases: культурный символ, прецедентный феномен, прецедентность, вербальные и визуальные средства, дискурс СМИ, фактор адресата, cultural symbol, precedential phenomenon, precedentiality, verbal and visual means, media discourse, addressee factor
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