Telkova Valentina Alekseevna
Yelets State University named after I. A. Bunin
Abstract. The article examines linguistic conception by A. A. Potebnja and its influence on the educational literature of the second half of the XIX century, analyzes views of the scientist and his followers, authors of the school textbooks, on the grammatical meaning and structure of a composite sentence on the whole and its certain types in particular, describes new approaches to their interpretation. As an educational literature the author considers the most popular at that time grammar textbooks by N. I. Batalin, P. A. Vinogradov, V. G. Zimnitskiy, A. G. Preobrazhenskiy et al.
Key words and phrases: синтаксис, психологическое направление, интерпретация, сложное предложение, сочинение и подчинение, учебная литература, syntax, psychological trend, interpretation, composite sentence, coordination and subordination, educational literature
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