Kolesnikova Nataliya Ivanovna
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Abstract. In the article the content of the concept "category of intertextuality" is revealed and the possibilities of this theory use for the development of text and genre skills of candidates for a master's degree and postgraduates of both technical and humanities specialities in the scientific sphere of communication are shown. The importance of taking account of genre diversity of scientific texts, oral and written forms of their representation; communicative norms prevailing in scientific community is identified.
Key words and phrases: магистранты и аспиранты, технический и гуманитарный профили, содержание понятия "категория интертекстуальности", свой и чужой текст, текстовые и жанровые умения, candidates for a master's degree and postgraduates, technical and humanities specialities, content of the concept of "category of intertextuality", one’s own and somebody else’s text, text and genre skills
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