Kameneva Nataliya Aleksandrovna
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the key problems of the development of computer lexicographical modeling: huge volume dictionaries, growing demand for updating the glossary, the complexity of the logical-conceptual modeling, taking into account synonymous, and conditionally equivalent antonymous and associative relationships between lexical units. As a solution to these problems it is offered to choose a separate lexical meaning as a unit describing the word. The possibilities of full-text search and ongoing updating of electronic dictionaries are also indicated.
Key words and phrases: лексикография, лексикология, компьютерные и электронные словари, критерии классификации, концепт, толково- комбинаторный словарь, lexicography, lexicology, computer and electronic dictionaries, classification criteria, concept, explanatory combinatorial dictionary
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Oxford University Press [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 15.12.2014).