D'yachenko Irina Aleksandrovna
Khakassia State University named after N. F. Katanov
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of military-political euphemisms in the publicistic discourse. The main content of the paper is the analysis of the statements in which such euphemisms as displaced people and collateral damage are used. On the basis of the conducted research the author makes the following conclusions: in the conditions of functioning in non-prototypical linguistic context, which suggests a way out of the constraints of the institutional political discourse and the presence of nominations, eliminating the multiplicity of the euphemism interpretations, a decrease or complete loss of its manipulative function takes place.
Key words and phrases: военно-политический эвфемизм, множественная интерпретанта, дискурс, контекст, референт, манипуляция, military-political euphemism, multiple interpretant, discourse, context, referent, manipulation
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