Abstract. The article touches on lexical peculiarities of the Kyzyl dialect of the Khakass language by the example of certain thematic groups gathered from the archival materials, published works. The paper clarifies the specifics of vocabulary of the Kyzyl dialect in the investigated thematic groups. The author identifies the typical features of the Kyzyl dialect with a reference to the lexical dialecticisms, lexemes with the semantic changes, morphological and phonetic dialecticisms which are one of the targets in the programme of fundamental and applied studies of the modern Khakass language and its dialects.
Key words and phrases: диалектология, хакасский язык, кызыльский диалект хакасского языка, диалектизмы, лексические диалектизмы, семантические диалектизмы, морфологические диалектизмы, фонетические диалектизмы, dialectology, Khakass language, Kyzyl dialect of the Khakass language, dialecticisms, lexical dialecticisms, semantic dialecticisms, morphological dialecticisms, phonetic dialecticisms
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