Nekipelova Irina Mikhailovna
M. T. Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
Abstract. The article is devoted to examining the criterion of truth of the information inserted in the language and contained in the speech. The author relies on the thesis that information in the language and speech is represented in varying degrees and in different form, and this allows her to claim that the validity of information in the language and speech is expressed differently. The research testified that in relation to the language we should speak not on validity of the encoded information but on level of adequacy of representing the conceptions about the world in the language. In relation to speech, on the contrary, we should speak on several aspects of evaluating the validity of information, which is connected with its continuous growth.
Key words and phrases: язык и речь, истинность информации, рост информации, актуальность информации, аспекты оценки истинности информации, language and speech, validity of information, information growth, relevance of information, aspects of evaluating the validity of information
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