Kuchma Zoryana Vasil'evna
Lviv Academy of Commerce, Ukraine
Abstract. The article considers the correlation between verbal and melodic components in the French song text. In this regard, the author also studies the question of the priority of a particular component. As a result of the analysis the author proves that the primacy of perception of verbal or musical component depends on the song genre. Basing on the linguistic and musical researches, the author also emphasizes that the song "lives" in the case when its components - text, music, interpretation - are perceived simultaneously.
Key words and phrases: французский песенный текст, кантология, вербальный и музыкальный компоненты, воздействие мелодии и слова, куплет, припев, the French song text, cantology, verbal and musical components, impact of music and word, couplet, refrain
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