Prokop'eva Aleksandra Egorovna
Institute of the Humanities and the Indigenous Peoples of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article aims to describe the specifics of declination of a verbal noun of the Kolyma dialect of the Yukaghir language. The Yukaghir verbal nouns can acquire the person and case markers, combine with the analytical case markers, postpositions. The author concludes that the meanings of the certain case forms of a verbal noun differ from the meanings expressed by the case forms of a noun: in the dative case they express the meaning of orientation or purpose of an action, in the instrumental case - the meaning of time and method of an action, in the nominative case - the cause; in the local case - temporal meaning and condition. The verbal noun in the local case forms the multi-subject constructions.
Key words and phrases: юкагирский язык, колымский диалект, имя существительное, имя действия, падеж, склонение, Yukaghir language, Kolyma dialect, noun, verbal noun, case, declination
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