Kuznetsova Elena Nikolaevna
Togliatti Academy of Management
Abstract. The article presents an analysis of V. Rasputin’s story "The Las Term" in the light of mythical consciousness crisis, which is understood as a crisis of human consciousness in general. The implementation of research tasks is achieved by referring to the complex philological analysis of the text, as well as using a phenomenological approach, which is based on understanding of the world as a phenomenon of consciousness. It allows considering the myth as the field of consciousness in which a man lives and acts. The analysis of V. Rasputin’s story "The Las Term" shows that the myth is specific experience of consciousness that has its own ontology; and mythical consciousness is a meta-structure, permeating all spheres of human activity. The distortion of mythical consciousness leads to the destruction of spiritual and moral traditions in the society, to the man’s fragmentary vision of the complete worldview, to the loss of one’s place in it.
Key words and phrases: кризис, мифическое сознание, ономапоэтика, символ, самоидентификации субъекта, кризис, мифическое сознание, ономапоэтика, символ, самоидентификации субъекта, crisis, mythical consciousness, onomapoetics, symbol, self-identity of subject
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