Erokhina Anna Mikhailovna
Maxim Gorky Literature Institute
Abstract. In the texts of literary works there is always some, conventionally speaking, "linguistic mechanism" that allows firstly attracting the reader’s attention, holding it up for some time, provoking interest and arresting this attention to the whole work, right to the end of the text. These aspects of perception don’t depend either on the level of the reader’s education or on the level of the text complexity. Sometimes the most primitive texts keep the reader’s perception till the very end (for example, detective stories). The aim of the paper is to find out a linguistic mechanism, which allows keeping the reader’s attention.
Key words and phrases: код, структура герменевтического кода, лексия, текст массовой литературы, текст классической литературы, читательский интерес, уровень восприятия, информативная емкость текста, code, structure of hermeneutic code, lexia (a unit of subtext), text of popular literature, text of classical literature, readers’ interest, level of perception, informative capacity of text
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