Tibilova Marina Iraklievna
North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov, Vladikavkaz
Abstract. The article is devoted to the transformation of the semantics of abbreviations, which occurs on standard, well-known semantic models in Russian philology: naming transfer, meaning extension, narrowing of meaning, semantic change. The analysis of the semantic structure of abbreviations has allowed noting that lately the cases of complex formation of meanings are observed, when several semantic processes act simultaneously. Being words without full meaning, nevertheless abbreviations are governed by the same semantic laws as namings with full meanings. This is an evidence of their development by the system of contemporary Russian language.
Key words and phrases: аббревиатуры, семантика, семантические процессы, сема, метонимизация, метафоризация, расширение значения, сужение значения, семантический сдвиг, abbreviations, semantics, semantic processes, seme, metonymization, metaphorization, meaning extension, narrowing of meaning, semantic change
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