Abstract. In the article the author considers in detail the published in the collection of Yu. Annenkov "Portraits" work of Ye. Zamyatin "On Synthetism", M. Kuzmin "The Fluctuations of Vital Flows" and M. Babenchikov "The Artist and the Devil" as the first "decoders" of the style of this portrait painter, illustrator and writer introducing him into the context of the era. On the basis of the opinions of so different authors a number of characteristics and regularities peculiar to creativity of this famous and outstanding artist are identified.
Key words and phrases: Ю. Анненков, Е. Замятин, М. Кузмин, М. Бабенчиков, графические портреты, теория синтетизма, синтез быта и фантастики, "Дневник моих встреч", Yu. Annenkov, Ye. Zamyatin, M. Kuzmin, M. Babenchikov, graphic portraits, theory of synthetism, synthesis of life and fiction, "The Diary of My Meetings"
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