Abstract. The article examines the main nominative and communicative features of a participial phrase. The comparison of nominative character, non-communicativeness and communicativeness allows expanding the conception not only about these notions but also about a participial construction in relation to which they are examined. Besides, it is suggested to introduce the terms "semicommunicativeness" and "semicommunicative function", the necessity of which is conditioned by semipredicative nature of a participle and the absence of terms for the adequate characteristic of communicative potential of a participial phrase as an intermediate construction between a word-combination and a sentence.
Key words and phrases: причастный оборот, номинативность, коммуникативность, некоммуникативность, полупредикативность, предикативность, полукоммуникативность, the participial phrases, nominative character, communicativeness, non-communicativeness, semipredicativeness, predicativeness, semicommunicativeness