Latu Maksim Nikolaevich, Bagiyan Aleksandr Yur'evich
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University
Abstract. The article considers the features of the implementation of cognitive models in the language of science, as well as their role in the process of terminological nomination. The mechanism of metaphorization as a cognitive model of term formation is analyzed, and a number of cognitive models to be implemented in a sublanguage of astronomy and astrophysics are highlighted and described. Basing on the results of their system conception, and also with the purpose to identify the most productive models the authors carry out a quantitative analysis, indicating the high productivity and diversity of metaphorical models of term formation. The foundations for further researches in the sphere of a comparative-contrast analysis of cognitive models in different sublanguages ??of science and technology are laid in order to determine both the differences and a certain system of correlations between them.
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