Valieva Tat'yana Iosifovna
North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov
Abstract. The article studies the peculiarities of the journalistic creative work of a prominent Ossetian writer, educator Arsen Kotsoev. The main content of the research makes the analysis of different subject matter of his social and political essays both in the social-economic sphere, and in the sphere of education, enlightenment and culture. In the work the educational activity by Kotsoev is touched upon. On the basis of the conducted study the author comes to the conclusion that in solving "sore subjects" of the society the writer is one of the most progressive educators of his time.
Key words and phrases: журналистика, просвещение, публицистическая деятельность, тематика статей, патриархально-феодальные пережитки, социально-экономические вопросы, народное образование, осетинская литература, journalism, enlightenment, journalistic activity, the subject matter of the articles, patriarchal-feudal vestiges, social-economic questions, public education, Ossetian literature
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