Abstract. The article is devoted to the interrelation of art and history in the novel of the post-colonial English-language writer Salman Rushdie "The Ground Beneath Her Feet", to the comprehension of the image of creative personality. The numerous realia of postcolonial reality inherent in the second half of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century are reflected in art. In this context the role of the creative personality increases. In the tragic historical era it is the creativity, according to Rushdie, that becomes the unifying force for humanity, which gives people the long-awaited harmony. The post-colonial writers actualize in their works the special type of creative personality - artist-chameleon. The mimicry ability allows the creative personality to adapt to the modern reality. The author also studies the theme of confrontation between "East" and "West" types of culture and its reflection in the world outlook of the characters of the novel.
Key words and phrases: история, творчество, английская постколониальная литература, Салман Рушди, образ творческой личности, мимикрия, хамелеонство, оппозиция Восток - Запад, history, creativity, English postcolonial literature, Salman Rushdie, image of creative personality, mimicry, chameleon-like behavior, opposition East - West
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