Belyaeva Mariya Evgen'evna
Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the examination of mythological fairy tales of the Raven’s cycle. The purpose of the study has been to reveal the semantics and functions of vegetation, contained in the structure of a folklore text and to define the specific connections of plants semantics with mythology and rituals. The topicality consists in the possibility of introducing new scientific data of research, received by the material of culture of nonliterate peoples, into the structure of folkloristics. The perspective of the study is presented in the possibility of revealing specific connections between flora and fauna in the rituals and folklore of the peoples of Kamchatka.
Key words and phrases: семантика, функция растений, мифологическая сказка, аборигены Камчатки, Вороний цикл, semantics, the function of plants, mythological fairy-tale, the Kamchatka aborigines, the Raven’s cycle
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