Kul'nina Elena Aleksandrovna
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Abstract. The article sets the task to examine the characteristic peculiarities of means of expression of phatic function in a monologic text. Special attention of the author is paid to the role of phatic function markers in the formation of new cognitive expressions and in the formation of the epic character of the text. Such a view will be of interest to the specialists in the area of text linguistics, as it expands contemporary ideas about nature and action of phatics. The author comes to the conclusion that systematic appearance of phatic function markers in the monologue contributes to a linear development of its narration.
Key words and phrases: фатическая функция, фатумы, монологический текст, эпичность повествования, дейктичность, катафора, phatic function, phatic function markers, monologic text, the epic character of narration, deictic nature, cataphora
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