Kirillova Irina Yur'evna
Chuvash State Institute of Humanities
Abstract. The article considers the process of intra-literary synthesis in the Chuvash literature of the beginning of the XX century by the example of synthesizing of genre and ancestral literary forms, which on the whole influenced the transition of the Chuvash artistic thinking from traditional to new, west-european, with keeping its own national component. Such genre forms as lyric and epic poem, poem-tragedy, poetization of prose (genre poem in prose ) have enriched the Chuvash literature and have given new directions for its further development.
Key words and phrases: чувашская литература, художественный синтез, внутрижанровый синтез, синтез литературы и философии, поэма-трагедия, стихи в прозе, модернизм, the Chuvash literature, artistic synthesis, intra-genre synthesis, the synthesis of literature and philosophy, poem-tragedy, poems in prose, modernism
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