Kulikova Ella Germanovna
Rostov State University of Economics
Abstract. While identifying the volume of the concepts "paralanguage" and "paralinguistic means" in the normative aspect it’s necessary, first of all, to consider the intentions of a speech producer. So, the intentions of a speech producer allow focusing on the functional aspect of language use. To distinguish the paralanguage means which are not associated with the intentions of a speech producer and different signals it’s necessary to differentiate the processes of information transmission and generation. From the viewpoint of normativeness only the processes associated with information transmission should be interpreted as the paraverbal phenomena.
Key words and phrases: передача информации, порождение информации, коммуникативное поведение, интенциональность / неинтенциональность, параязык, норма, nformation transmission, information generation, communicative behaviour, intentionality / non-intentionality, paralanguage, norm
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