Blokhina Elena Nikolaevna
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the topicality of a linguistic and culturological study of separate regions of the German language space and lexicographic fixation of cultural phenomena, existing on the borders of each dialect. Cross-cultural and linguoculturological approaches to the study of these phenomena are compared. The examples of dictionary articles for precedential names, chosen for the inclusion into the linguoculturological dictionary of Bavaria on the basis of the analysis of the Bavarian discourse, are given.
Key words and phrases: лингвокультурология, лингвокультурная лексикография, Бавария, лингвокультурологический словарь, лингвострановедческий и лингвокультурологический подходы, культурный феномен, прецедентное имя, стереотипный образ, linguistic culturology, linguocultural lexicography, Bavaria, linguistic-cultural and linguistic-culturological approaches, cultural phenomenon, precedential name, stereotypical image
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