Filatova Elena Vladimirovna
Donetsk National University
Abstract. The article presents a new approach to find out the units of speech production. On the basis of its delimitation in the Russian, Ukrainian and English languages an author’s individual speech structure as a linear sequence of initial minimal units is found out. The speech is made up of the units on the basis of which it is perceived. The syntagmas are defined objectively. The differentiation of speech units in relation to the oral and written forms and also to speech production and traditional speech making, is exercised.
Key words and phrases: делимитация речи, исходная речевая единица, предложение, синтагма, синтагматическая структура речи, слово, словосочетание, speech delimitation, initial speech unit, sentence, syntagma, syntagmatic speech structure, word, word-combination
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