Gorokhova Natal'ya Vyacheslavovna
Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University
Abstract. The article examines the terminological homonymy of English technical terms of transportation by pipeline, based on the result of a semantic break-up of a word and representing the base for lexical units with different denotation. The goal of the article is revealing and analysis of homonymy in the term system of English dictionary of a specialty. In the article a lexical analysis of the terminology under study is given, chosen on the basis of metaphorization and polysemy of terminological units of the term field of transportation by pipeline.
Key words and phrases: омонимия, однозначность, многозначность, полисемия, терминология, трубопроводный транспорт, homonymy, unambiguity, ambiguity, polysemy, terminology, transportation by pipeline
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