Khamaganova Valentina Mikhailovna
Buryat State University
Abstract. The properties of an actant core of the text of the type "description", its typology and order are mandatory, regularly repeated, so they explicate a typified descriptive text, considered as a structural and semantic model. The purpose of the article - to define the lexical-semantic group of the words, implementing the lexical model of a description-portrait - is aimed at identifying those features of the semantics of lexical use which the context of description highlights. The use of the context of description as an operator allows revealing the functional-semantic and stylistic properties of the meanings of the ??words denoting "a person, a man" (general designations) presented in "The Russian Semantic Dictionary", and determining their groups.
Key words and phrases: текст типа "описание", описание-портрет, лексическая модель, семантико-стилистические свойства, средства номинации субъекта, text of type "description", description-portrait, lexical model, semantic and stylistic properties, means of subject nomination
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