Ponomareva Natal'ya Ivanovna
Volzhsky Humanitarian Institute (Branch) of the Volgograd State University
Abstract. The article addresses the problem of denotative classification of the officionymes (names of the organizations, institutions, positions, ranks) taking into account their component structure. Relying on the analysis of the function of the officionyme initial component and structural peculiarities of onomastic markers the author formulates the strict and consistent orthographic rules regulating the use of a capital letter in the names under analysis.
Key words and phrases: имена собственные, официонимы, денотативная классификация, ономастический маркер, прописная буква, русская орфография, правило орфографии, proper names, officionymes, denotative classification, onomastic marker, capital letter, Russian orthography, orthographic rule
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