Nebylitsin Anton Andreevich
Khakass State University named after N. F. Katanov
Abstract. The article aims to identify and describe the status of the conception of intensity which is a quantitative indicator of measure, level of expressiveness of a statement. The paper also tries to identify the place of this term in the system of closely related concepts, such as "expressivity", "emotionality", "evaluative nature". The author describes the peculiarities of intensity and correlated aspects, such as "deintensification" indicating the low level of expression, "steps of intensity" indicating the level of expressiveness in comparison with the neutral variant. The paper distinguishes between the expressive intensity and intensity representing the objective features of a certain object or phenomenon.
Key words and phrases: эмоция, оценка, экспрессивность, интенсивность, шаг интенсивности, деинтенсификация, экспрессивная интенсивность, объективная интенсивность, emotion, evaluation, expressivity, intensity, step of intensity, deintensification, expressive intensity, objective intensity
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