Morozova Tat'yana Ivanovna
Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article by the material of the Don Cossack dialects considers the image of the Don Cossack woman, recreated by folklore and language means that represent not only the appearance of the Don Cossack woman, the traits of her character, but her status in the family and society, the attitude of the others to her and their assessment of her actions and deeds. This image is generalized and represents the character and nature of the Russian woman as it absorbs the ethnic characteristics of different peoples, genetically connected in a particular - Don - type.
Key words and phrases: диалект, донские говоры, донской фольклор, казачество, слово и фразеологизм, диалектная картина мира, dialect, Don dialects, Don folklore, Cossacks, word and phraseological unit, dialect world view
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