Kupchenko Yuliya Aleksandrovna
Novosibirsk Law Institute (Branch) of the Tomsk State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the issues of performativity in the framework of a legal discourse. The author shows a possible classification of legal performatives, in the basis of which one can find grammatical and object-logical aspects. Self-referent personal and impersonal performatives are examined, used in legal documents, the list of language means of performativity is given. In conclusion the article says about a voice directivity of the performatives, about an ability of any verb to form a performative utterance, if its pronunciation leads to the change of an existing reality.
Key words and phrases: юридические перформативы, аутореферентные перформативы, юридический дискурс, безличные перформативы, акты применения права, legal performatives, self-referent performatives, legal discourse, impersonal performatives, acts of law enforcement
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