Popova Mariya Dmitrievna
Institute of Researches in Humanities and Problems of Smaller Peoples of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article studies the forms of the degrees of comparison of adjectives in the Even language. By now, there is a large amount of factual material of the Even language, and this material reveals new aspects in the study of adjectives. The purpose of the paper is to determine the features of the forms and degrees of comparison of subjective judgment adjectives in the Even language. The main feature is that morphological method is formed on the basis of positive degree and expressed by a particular syntactic structure, where the object, with which they compare, takes a form of ablative.
Key words and phrases: эвенский язык, прилагательные, степени сравнения, способы образования, качество, the Even language, adjectives, degrees of comparison, methods of education, quality
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