Maidurova Yuliya Aleksandrovna
Far Eastern State University of Humanities
Abstract. The author refers to the study of the presence of various types of narration in the works of N. S. Leskov. Despite numerous researchers, the topic remains relevant. This paper considers an approach to this issue from the perspective of the ancient Russian literature traditions, the possible influence of the literature of the first half of the XIX century and the influence of the romantic heritage, and also considers the connection with the peculiarities of the Russian novel, drawn towards the mechanisms of sounding and liturgy effect.
Key words and phrases: жанр, многожанровость, жанровый синкретизм, тип повествования, речевая манера, ансамблевый принцип, литургическая эпопея, genre, multi-genre essence, genre syncretism, type of narration, manner of speech, ensemble principle of narration, liturgical epos
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