Zhdanov Sergei Sergeevich
Siberian State Academy of Geodesy
Abstract. The article considers the female images appearing in tavern locus marked with Germanness in the poems of S. Cherny. The description of these characters is based on two literary traditions. On the one hand, it is the female version of the type of "good German", which was formed in the Russian literature in the XIX century. On the other hand - in the literary description of the German women-waitresses the connection with domestic symbolist tradition is shown, in which tavern locus is described as infernal. In addition, the image of the heroine-German within the framework of this space is marked with the motif of eroticism (from rude bodily to platonic) and with the mixing of mythical-poetic water and fire origins.
Key words and phrases: русская литература XX века, Саша Черный, поэзия Серебряного века, немецкость, инфернальность, хронотоп, кабацкий локус, the Russian literature of the XX century, Sasha Cherny, poetry of the Silver Age, Germanness, infernality, chronotope, tavern locus
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