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Vinokurova Nina Nikolaevna
N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
Abstract. The article describes a creative method, mythological thinking and mythopoetics of the Romanian author of the XX century Mircea Eliade in accordance with the investigations on the nature of myth of the foreign and Russian culture exerts and literary critics. The writer’s attitude to a myth differs cardinally from the viewpoint adopted by the majority of scientists. The author proves that Eliade’s mythological worlds - a product of his creative imagination - remained for him a reality, at the same time "historical" and "super-historical", eternal and were considered by him as a fairy tale about the mysteries of our world.
Key words and phrases: миф, модель, мифопоэтика, магический реализм, мистическое восприятие, ритуал, обряд, myth, model, mythopoetics, magic realism, mystical perception, ritual, ceremony
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