Petrova Elena Serafimovna, Stateeva Elena Vasil'evna
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. In the article the analysis of the linguistic intercession phenomenon in conditions of both interlinguistic and monolinguistic communication is carried out. The general notion "linguistic intercession" is divided into "intercession-interpretation" and "intercession-mediation", mainly on the basis of the parameter of the presence of his own communicative intention of an intermediary-mediator in contrast to the "impartiality" of a prototypical intermediary-interpreter. By the material of modern English-language literature the authors identify the key features of linguistic communicative mediation as a specific type of linguistic intercession. Finally the conclusion about the dynamic nature of correlation between interpretation and linguistic communicative mediation is drawn.
Key words and phrases: языковое посредничество, устный перевод, языковая медиация, трилог, коммуникативная интенция, коммуникативное затруднение, моноязыковая коммуникация, межъязыковая коммуникация, linguistic intercession, interpretation, linguistic mediation, trialogue, communicative intention, communicative impediment, monolinguistic communication, interlinguistic communication
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