Dautova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Badmatsyrenova Darima Bazarovna
North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov (Branch) in Neryungri
Abstract. In the article the main peculiarities of pre-election discourse which are shown at lexical, morphological and syntactic levels are considered. Pre-election discourse is a topical direction of modern linguistics as in the period of holding of election campaigns the activity of political figures who use different linguistic means aimed at making electors' such a worldview which would bend them to come to a necessary decision increases considerably.
Key words and phrases: лингвистика, политический дискурс, предвыборный дискурс, власть, политик, кандидат, избирательная кампания, выборы, избиратель, речь, linguistics, political discourse, pre-election discourse, power, politician, candidate, election campaign, election, elector, speech
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