Abstract. In the article the results received by the author during the research of field organization of lexico-semantic group of verbs of speech activity in the modern spoken Chinese language are stated. Main stages of this research are the revelation of general and differential semantic components of the considered verbs meanings, the presentation of the structure of their meanings by means of substantial and auxiliary components, the joining of verbs of the studied field into lexico-semantic groups.
Key words and phrases: китайский язык, глаголы речевой деятельности, функционально-семантические единства, лексико-семантическая группа, семантический метаязык, инвариантные и дифференциальные семантические компоненты, логические константы, the Chinese language, verbs of speech activity, functional-semantic unities, lexico-semantic group, semantic metalanguage, invariant and differential semantic components, logical constants
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