Osipova Ol'ga Ivanovna
The Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok
Abstract. In the article the role of the comic in the prose of such modernists as F. Sologub, V. Bryusov and M. Kuzmin is considered. The author draws a conclusion about the fact that the main phenomenon in the prose is irony which carries a polyfunctional message: stylistic device, world outlook category, way of play with a reader. The peculiarity of the tragic perception of the world of the turn of the centuries affected the ways of the comic reflection. Special attention is drawn to the role of irony in mythological representation of the reality in the literature of the beginning of the XX century.
Key words and phrases: комическое, ирония, миф, модернизм, роман, the comic, irony, myth, modernism, novel
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