Kokova Aleksandra Vasil'evna
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. Syntactic category of modality as a relational framework category of the maximum degree of abstraction admits a dual interpretation in the syntactic theories by the material of various European languages. Conceptualization of modal meanings in the "logistic" trends of linguistics is connected with the differentiation of assertoric and "indirect" (alethic, deontic and epistemic) sentences. Under communicative-pragmatic approach represented in the paper all modal meanings are grouped into the hierarchic model of four modal planes including the goal-setting of a statement, affirmation/negation, reality/unreality and degree of confidence. For them the modern German language specifies linguistic means of expression forming the functional-semantic field.
Key words and phrases: модальность, синтаксическая категория, коммуникативно-прагматический подход, семантическое поле, высказывание, modality, syntactic category, communicative-pragmatic approach, semantic field, statement
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