Gavadzin Oksana Yaroslavovna
Vasyl Stefanyk Subcarpathian National University (Ukraine)
Abstract. The article is devoted to investigating the nominations of clothes, footwear, headwear, jewellery collected in the Pokuttya dialect. The paper identifies the basic motives for nomination, among which the most productive appeared to be the motive of stuff, purpose of clothes, part of the body which this piece of clothing covers, method of production. Analysis of the means of word-formation testifies that among the investigated nominations predominate derivatives derived from the bases of nouns, adjectives and verbs, formed by various methods of word-formation but among them the basic method is morphological (especially suffixation).
Key words and phrases: покутский говор, лексико-семантическая группа, номинация, мотивационная модель, способ деривации, the Pokuttya dialect, lexico-semantic group, nomination, motivational model, method of derivation
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