Shastina Elena Mikhailovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. In the article the peculiarities of the poetics of the novel "The Blinding" of the Austrian writer, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature Elias Canetti (1905-1994) are considered. Following the purpose to portray the world in the "state of disintegration", Canetti uses in the novel the techniques of modernist literature. "New" reality of dehumanized age is realized in the grotesque figures which parody the reality. Both Canetti and Nabokov use in full measure all palette of parody which is displayed in the text of the novel at different levels. Parody which means "a transformation misrepresenting the original" is one of the prevailing principles of the poetics of the novel "The Blinding".
Key words and phrases: пародия, поэтика, модернистская литература, гротеск, китайская культура, Конфуций, parody, poetics, modernist literature, grotesque, Chinese culture, Confucius
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