Glukhova Yuliya Nikolaevna
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Abstract. The article discusses the modern tendencies of teaching French as a foreign language. The author examines the problems of changing the approaches to its teaching, transformation of the role of a teacher, optimization of the educational process, usage of new technologies and Internet-resources in foreign language teaching, etc. The paper provides examples of the most effective informational and educational resources.
Key words and phrases: тенденции обучения французскому языку как иностранному, образовательный маршрут, роль педагога, оптимизация учебного процесса, новые технологии, Интернет-ресурсы, tendencies of teaching French as a foreign language, educational route, role of a teacher, optimization of the educational process, new technologies, Internet-resources
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