Garifullina El'vira Il'dusovna
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev (Branch "Vostok") in Chistopol
Abstract. The article analyzes the variables participating in the process of communication, ways for their interaction. Each communicant has a unique world outlook and situations of communication, therefore, the existence of the two similar interpretations of the reality is hardly possible which may result in inefficient communication. For understanding of the nature of communication the paper analyzes some popular misunderstandings or myths. The author pays special attention to the analysis of the mutual influence of the language and human communication.
Key words and phrases: коммуникационный процесс, коммуникант, эффективность коммуникации, информационный обмен, мифы коммуникации, communication process, communicant, efficiency of communication, information exchange, myths of communication
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