Rokhlina Tat'yana Aleksandrovna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Abstract. In the article the reference is presented as one of the main textual categories which allow interpreting a discourse including a comic one. The main propositions of the reference theory and standpoints of native and foreign researchers on the reference problems are given. Special attention is paid to the views on reference in Germanic studies. The importance of co-reference of nouns for the realization of effective communicative act is accentuated, and its violation is considered as a reason of communicative failure and comic effect formation in respect of German prose schwank as an example of a comic discourse.
Key words and phrases: грамматика текста, текстовые категории, референция, кореференция имен, комический дискурс, шванк, grammar of text, textual categories, reference, co-reference of nouns, comic discourse, schwank
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