Prangishvili Irina Georgievna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Abstract. The author considers the specifics of the modern type of non-standard advertising - Ambient media. In the modern world appear new non-standard forms of advertising which are poorly investigated at the moment. To such forms we refer Ambient media. Ambient media is a modern trend of social and commercial advertising in which they apply the means for using the environment where the targeted audience is situated. By its nature Ambient media is an advertising extending beyond the surface of a poster, flyer, banner, city-format. The article touches on the goal and tasks of using Ambient media. The researcher identifies the advantages of Ambient media.
Key words and phrases: Ambient media, преимущества Ambient media, нестандартная реклама, цель Ambient media, партизанский маркетинг, Ambient media, advantages of Ambient media, non-standard advertising, the goal of Ambient media, guerrilla marketing
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